It takes too long to sit down and write a blog post ….

The original intent of this blog was to include the reader on our trips. Map the trip out and show each as a complete blog post. This is proving to be an utterly impossible endeavor. It takes several hours to pour through images and write copy …. if one gets distracted in the middle, it is hard to remember where one was and get the same groove going with the writing.

So, we are going to refocus. Our travels take us all over, often. This year, alone we have hit South Texas, again …. Fort Worth partying …. Oklahoma City …. Branson Missouri and the Ozarks through Arkansas … and Houston. Still to come are the Texas Hill Country, again …. back into Oklahoma …. Then we have plans to spend 3 weeks on the road hitting Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska …. to see places like Yellowstone, Flaming Gorge, Craters of the Moon, Black Hills, Sandhills.

Blog Post

We are going to pick a place we have been and show a few images of that place instead of trying to map out an entire trip for each post. This refocus will help us to post more often, since we are only going to write about one place. Most of our posts will continue to be Texas based, however …. this year has taken us out of our home state several times, already.

This is mostly supposed to be a photo blog, and that will not change. Since 2012 we have been to somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 counties and 25 state parks, a few national parks and we have so many plans to go to so many more areas of this great state …. Thank you all for following along!!

Our last trip out took us into the Ozarks in Arkansas. We drove the Pig Trail Scenic Byway (Arkansas Highway 23) from Beaver Arkansas to Queen Wilhelmina State Park Area. There we many, many photo ops here are a few of our favorites.

Suspension Bridge Beaver AR
Suspension Bridge Beaver AR
War Eagle Creek
War Eagle Creek Runs alongside highway 23
Just West of Queen Wilhelmina State Park
Just West of Queen Wilhelmina State Park
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